Nat Geo

National Geographic: Animals

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Midjourney 5
Prompt: photorealistic closeup of a lion on the african plains blurred with the background blurred --ar 7:4 --v 5

Midjourney 5
Prompt: Photorealistic closeup of a elephant on the african plains blurred with the background blurred --ar 7:4 --v 5

Midjourney 5
Prompt: Photorealistic closeup of a gorilla and baby gorilla in the jungle blurred with the background blurred use a Canon EF 100mm f/ 4. 5 --ar 7:4 --v 5

Midjourney 5
Prompt: Photorealistic closeup of leopard in a tree overlooking the African plains blurred with the background blurred --ar 7:4 --v 5

Midjourney 5
Prompt: Photorealistic closeup of rhinoceros on the African plains blurred with the background blurred --ar 7:4 --v 5

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